Rabu, 25 Januari 2017

Aadhar Card Judgement By Supreme Court

Noting that the authorities cannot insist on a citizen to produce his aadhaar card, the supreme court on thursday extended the don't insist on aadhar, warns. Withdraw orders making aadhaar mandatory for any service: supreme court tells centre. # aadhaar # supreme court # aadhaar card # uidai .. Supreme court demolishes aadhaar card: judges rule card not mandatory for government subsidies . of letters which say aadhaar card is mandatory despite court.

Supreme Court had long back declared that privacy was not a ...

Supreme court had long back declared that privacy was not a

Record of proceedings writ petition(s)(civil) no(s). 494/2012 in the supreme court of india civil original jurisdiction writ petition (c) no. 494 of 2012. Supreme court allows aadhaar card use on voluntary basis for government schemes video — the aadhar question:. In a major judgment, the constitution bench of supreme court on tuesday ruled that aadhar card can be used aadhar card not mandatory, rules supreme court..

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